Based on the recipe of a our dear friend Rita from Epirus.
Total duration: 2 hours

For the dough:
450ml LAI Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1x Orange zest
1tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp clove powder
120ml Orange juice
120ml cognac
850gr flour
1tsp baking soda
2tsp baking powder
For the Syrup:
300gr honey
200gr sugar
400ml water
Peeling of 1 lemon
Peeling of 1 orange
Step 1: Making the Syrup
Put in a cooking pot the honey, sugar, water and peelings of lemon and orange.
Let it heat till it reaches 104 degrees Celsius or till syrup has a dense consistency.
Step 2: Making the dough
Pour LAI Organic Olive Oil in a large mixing bowl. Add the orange juice, orange zest and cognac. Add the cinnamon and clove powder and mix well.
Next add in the same mixing bowl, flour till you get a texture almost like play dough.
Step 3: Shaping the melomakarona & baking them
Measure each melomakarono/cookie to 25gr and roll it into a little ball. Then take a fork and press on top of the dough ball.
After you have finished doing each melomakarono, place them in a tray and in the oven 180 degrees Celsius for about 20min.

Step 4: Dip the baked dough with the syrup
Once they are baked, dip them whilst warm in the cold syrup.
Then add as a toping crashed walnuts and cinnamon.

Enjoy in moderation ;)
Are you still looking for a meaningful Christmas present for family or friends? Get them LAI Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil!